These are related to the Aluminium Pipe Fittings news, in which you can learn about the latest trends in Aluminium Pipe Fittings and related information industry, to help you better understand and expand Aluminium Pipe Fittings market.
There are several main ways to calculate the pipe diameter of the air compressor pipeline:- Determined according to the flow rate and flow velocity: calculated by the formula D=\sqrt{\frac{4L}{\pi v}}, where D is the pipe diameter, L is the flow rate, and v is the flow rate. In the actual calculatio
A musical instrument company is a manufacturer of pianos, piano keyboards, string machines, wooden piano parts, other musical instrument parts, electronic components and plastic products. The company has achieved significant energy saving results after engaging the compressed air piping engineers of
As we all know, compressed air, as the second largest power source after electricity, has been widely used in all aspects of the textile industry, and more and more textile processes have been completed through the use of pneumatic technology. Recently, a domestic textile company upgraded its air co
UPIPE aluminium alloy pipe adopts special technology, not easy to corrode, smooth pipe wall friction coefficient is lower than 0.5 micron, to ensure that the compressed air will not cause secondary pollution and energy loss, so as to efficiently transport clean compressed air to each point of use in
Suzhou Jieyou Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. was established on August 29, 2019. It is an innovative enterprise specializing in the development, production, sales, and installation services of fluid transportation products.